
School receives National Gold Award for commitment to PE and School Sport.


School receives National Gold Award for commitment to PE and School Sport.

We are delighted to share the exciting news that Dilhorne Endowed C.E. Primary School have been awarded to National School Games ‘GOLD AWARD’ for our ongoing commitment to PE and School Sport.

The School Games Mark is a Government-led awards scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for the commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the wider community, and are delighted to have been recognised our success with the highest level of the award!

Dilhorne Endowed C.E. Primary School are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of school sport and to so many parents/carers who helped us to travel to matches and events and to cheer us along!

Big smiles for the new school year


Big smiles for the new school year

We are delighted to welcome some very big smiles into our Reception class this term, as our wonderful new pupils begin their school adventure!

Although it is always sad to say goodbye to pupils who leave us for High School, we are thrilled to welcome the newest members of the Dilhorne Endowed C.E. Primary School family.

Help with Broadband and Phone Costs


Help with Broadband and Phone Costs

To continue to support a number of our wonderful families, we are pleased to signpost you towards the Ofcom website who are providing details of ways in which some families may be entitled to reduced prices for their broadband and phone.

Ofcom state:

“Social tariffs are cheaper broadband and phone packages for people claiming Universal Credit, Pension Credit and some other benefits. Some providers call them ‘essential’ or ‘basic’ broadband.

They’re delivered in the same way as normal packages, just at a lower price. Amid rising living costs, Ofcom is encouraging companies to offer social tariffs to help customers on low incomes.”

For further information, to check your eligibility, and to see if this is right for you, please follow this link to the Ofcom website.

Fun at the Summer Fayre Fun at the Summer Fayre Fun at the Summer Fayre Fun at the Summer Fayre Fun at the Summer Fayre Fun at the Summer Fayre Fun at the Summer Fayre


Fun at the Summer Fayre

Families and some four-legged pets gathered in Dilhorne this weekend to celebrate the village Primary School’s Summer Fayre.

Dilhorne Endowed C.E. Primary were delighted to welcome family, friends and new visitors to the school on Saturday 24th June for a day of fun, to raise valuable funds for the pupils, and to also offer families the chance look around the school and its on-site farm.

Organised by the school’s PTFA, the fayre welcomed a range of stall-holders, offering a wide selection of items to buy and also the chance to play games; win prizes; enter a raffle; enjoy something to eat and drink; have faces painted and temporary hair-colours and tattoos; and much more.

The Dilhorne Endowed C.E. Primary Summer Fayre also featured a large inflatable football-dartboard; the local PCSOs and Fulford First Responders brought along their vehicles for children to explore; and a number of furry friends tried to win a rosette in the dog show.

School Leader, Craig Broome, said, “It was brilliant to see so many people come along to see our wonderful school - including our animals – and to enjoy some lovely food and drink, play some games, buy a few gifts, and generally to come together as a community to have a great day.

“The work of the PTFA in organising such a successful day was brilliant. They have been very busy liaising with many businesses and individuals to offer stalls at the fayre and to donate raffle prizes to support our school.

“It was also lovely to have a number of families being keen to see our school, to have a tour and discuss what we can offer to them as their children approach school age or are new to the area.

“The school offer great thanks to the PTFA for organising and running the fayre and to those who were able to join us and celebrate our wonderful school and its wonderful community.”

Dilhorne Endowed C.E. Summer Fayre


Dilhorne Endowed C.E. Summer Fayre

The Dilhorne Endowed C.E. Primary Summer Fayre is returning!

The Fayre, which also offers a chance to look around our beautiful school and on-site farm is taking place on Saturday 24th June from 11.00am to 3.00pm.

Organised wonderfully by the PTA, the event promises fun for the whole family...including some of the four-legged furry ones too!

The school fayre always attracts lots of people from the community and beyond and is a chance for a few family pets to shows their skills in the 'dog show'.

In addition to this, there will be plenty of games, raffles and stalls; and visitors to our free-entry event will also get the chance to have their faces painted, enjoy lots of delicious food, be entertained by BBHS dancers, and hopefully even get up close to some emergency vehicles!

All visitors welcome, so please come along to visit - and support - our beautiful village school and have a wonderful afternoon in our welcoming community with the whole family!


Join our 'Outstanding' Reception class


Join our 'Outstanding' Reception class

If you, a family member, or a friend have a child who is due to start school in September 2023 and you would like them to join the Reception class at Dilhorne Endowed C.E. Primary School (judged as 'Outstanding' by Ofsted in 2022), then please ensure that applications are submitted online by the admissions deadline of 15th JANUARY.

To submit your application, please click here (

Train to Teach


Train to Teach

Are you interested in training to teach?

If so, a number of local providers including, Keele and North Staffordshire Teacher Education (KNSTE); The Golden Thread Teaching School Hub; St. Joseph's College SCITT; Staffordshire University; The John Taylor SCITT; University of Derby; Teach First; The Oaks; Developing Teachers Schools and Academies (DTSA); and the Bart's Training and Support Alliance (BTSA), welcome you to join them and discuss the options available on this exciting journey.

The event will be held at Parkside School, Stafford (ST16 1TH) on Wednesday 12th October, from 4.00pm-6.00pm, with special welcome meetings at 4.30pm and 5.15pm.

For further information click here.




We join the rest of the nation, Commonwealth and wider world in mourning the remarkable Queen Elizabeth II who sadly passed away on Thursday 8th September.

Queen Elizabeth has been part of all of our lives for 70 years, and in addition to being the longest reigning monarch to have served our country, she has also provided care, strength and hope in times of worry.

Her loss leaves us all feeling sad and marks a special time in the history of our nation.

As a proud Church school, we also mourn the passing of the Head of the Church of England and a lady with such incredible Christian faith.

We remember Her Majesty with the utmost fondness, admiration, and affection and send the very best wishes, love, thoughts and prayers to King Charles III and his family.

We may feel sad that she has passed, but as a school and Trust family, we celebrate in the memories which she leaves, the example of humility which she set, and the 70 years dedicated to serving the nation she so loved.

God Bless The Queen.

Ofsted say we are GOOD with OUTSTANDING features Ofsted say we are GOOD with OUTSTANDING features Ofsted say we are GOOD with OUTSTANDING features


Ofsted say we are GOOD with OUTSTANDING features

Our lovely primary school has received two Outstanding gradings from Ofsted, with an overall judgement of Good.

We welcomed Ofsted to the school in May, and received a ‘Good’ judgement overall, with two elements receiving their highest grade of ‘Outstanding’.

Inspectors spent two days at our school, meeting with parents, Trustees, leaders from school and The Moorlands Primary Federation (our Multi-Academy Trust), staff and children.

The report said that ‘Behaviour and Attitudes’ are Outstanding and ‘Early Years Provision’ is also Outstanding. ‘The Quality of Education’, ‘Personal Development’ and ‘Leadership and Management’ each received a judgement of Good, which was also the overall judgement of the school.

The result represents a highly positive journey since the last report in June 2018, where the school was judged as Requiring Improvement. Since then, a new leadership structure has been embedded along with changes to the teaching team and the curriculum.

We are really proud that our pupils shone brightly!

Staying healthy and active! Staying healthy and active! Staying healthy and active! Staying healthy and active!


Staying healthy and active!

The children are loving getting acquainted with their new outdoor gym equipment.  Getting active has never been so much fun!