
Train to Teach


Train to Teach

Are you interested in training to teach?

If so, a number of local providers including, Keele and North Staffordshire Teacher Education (KNSTE); The Golden Thread Teaching School Hub; St. Joseph's College SCITT; Staffordshire University; The John Taylor SCITT; University of Derby; Teach First; The Oaks; Developing Teachers Schools and Academies (DTSA); and the Bart's Training and Support Alliance (BTSA), welcome you to join them and discuss the options available on this exciting journey.

The event will be held at Parkside School, Stafford (ST16 1TH) on Wednesday 12th October, from 4.00pm-6.00pm, with special welcome meetings at 4.30pm and 5.15pm.

For further information click here.




We join the rest of the nation, Commonwealth and wider world in mourning the remarkable Queen Elizabeth II who sadly passed away on Thursday 8th September.

Queen Elizabeth has been part of all of our lives for 70 years, and in addition to being the longest reigning monarch to have served our country, she has also provided care, strength and hope in times of worry.

Her loss leaves us all feeling sad and marks a special time in the history of our nation.

We also mourn the passing of the Head of the Church of England and a lady with such incredible Christian faith.

We remember Her Majesty with the utmost fondness, admiration, and affection and send the very best wishes, love, thoughts and prayers to King Charles III and his family.

We may feel sad that she has passed, but as a school and Trust family, we celebrate in the memories which she leaves, the example of humility which she set, and the 70 years dedicated to serving the nation she so loved.

God Bless The Queen.

Ofsted say we are still GOOD!


Ofsted say we are still GOOD!

Great Wood Primary School are celebrating after receiving a second consecutive ‘Good’ judgement from Ofsted.

The school welcomed two of Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) from Ofsted and were confirmed as remaining a ‘Good’ school.

Inspectors focused upon the learning which takes place across the school, and also spoke with parents/carers, staff, pupils, Trustees and colleagues from across The Moorlands Primary Federation (TMPF), to get a full picture of the school ahead of making their final judgement.

The school, which began working with locally-based multi-academy trust, The Moorlands Primary Federation, in January 2015, received their first ‘Good’ judgement in November 2015. This inspection confirmed that the school continues to deliver a good education to its pupils.

“Pupils are happy, enthusiastic and confident learners. Teachers plan exciting lessons and develop pupil’s skills and knowledge in a wide range of subjects.” Ofsted.

“Leaders have high expectations of pupils. They have created a highly inclusive school in which all pupils thrive and achieve well. Staff encourage pupils to be responsible, caring and ambitious.” Ofsted.

Thanks to all of the parents/carers and other family members; friends; staff past and present; those from other Trust schools who supported us; Trustees; and, of course, the children for showing what a lovely place the school is.

Great Wood Support Ukraine


Great Wood Support Ukraine

On Friday 25th March, our Great Wood children, wore yellow and blue for a small donation.  The money collected is to support Ukrainian children, who are in desperate need of our help.

Our children looked amazing in bright shades of blue and yellow and were extremely happy to be able to support, children far less fortunate than themselves.  Thank you to all our Great Wood families for you fantastic generosity.

Great Wood Spoil Our Amazing Mums Great Wood Spoil Our Amazing Mums Great Wood Spoil Our Amazing Mums Great Wood Spoil Our Amazing Mums Great Wood Spoil Our Amazing Mums Great Wood Spoil Our Amazing Mums


Great Wood Spoil Our Amazing Mums

We have gone all out this year, to spoil our fantastic mums for Mother’s Day.

Miss Finney has baked, until she dropped, with our children.  This was to ensure that each child could take home a home-made and hand decorated biscuit for Mum, Nan, or someone special.

In addition we have run a Mother’s Day gift stall. Every child has been able to buy a gift of their choice, as a surprise for Mum on Sunday. Each gift was lovingly wrapped by our ‘wrap around’ team, Jean and Gina.  Our children were then able to take their biscuit, gift and card home for Mum, Nan, or their someone special.

Thank you all for your amazing donations, which made this possible.

Great Wood Go Nose Crazy Great Wood Go Nose Crazy Great Wood Go Nose Crazy Great Wood Go Nose Crazy Great Wood Go Nose Crazy Great Wood Go Nose Crazy


Great Wood Go Nose Crazy

Our Great Wood children threw themselves into the spirit of Red Nose Day. As a school we decided to provide a fun, wacky day, while raising money for Comic Relief.  Our year 4/5 class devised many exciting activities for our children, there was a Penalty shoot-out, a red nose and spoon race and a red nose hunt.  A great deal of fun was had by all!

Our amazing staff did not escape the fun either.  Our children voted for their fate and they got splatted with wet sponges, chased with super soakers and had their faces painted – by the children!  They bravely put their hands into mysterious boxes to identify the contents and had their hair done at the Reception Hair Salon!  Our children wore red for the day, or Comic Relief attire, they bought Comic Relief cookies, lovingly baked by our amazing kitchen staff and gave generous donations for the charity.

As a school we raised a fantastic £405.57.  We would like to thank our amazing Great Wood families, staff and of course our fabulous children.

Peace and Friendship.


Peace and Friendship.

The thoughts of the school and TMPF family are sent to all affected by the current conflict in Ukraine.

In school, we pray for - and talk about the importance of - peace and love, and we hope that this conflict can reach a swift and safe resolution and that the communities of the different nations can live in harmony.

As a school, our particular thoughts are sent to the children of Ukraine and those who either remain in the country, or have become refugees and been warmly welcomed by other nations in an act of care and love. We send our love to them and their family members and friends across the world.

We pray and hope that world leaders can work together to reunite families and help all of the innocent people impacted on by this conflict and return happiness and safety into their lives.

We live in hope and with faith that good and peace will prevail.

Book Characters Galore! Book Characters Galore! Book Characters Galore!


Book Characters Galore!

Our Great Wood Family took the book world by storm on Thursday 3rd March. They transformed into a character from their favourite book—we had Harry Potter characters; Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Luna and Hedwig, Frodo, Cat In The Hat, lots of superhero's, Mary Poppins, Fairy-tale characters, Witches, The Railway Children and many more characters visiting us from pages of their books.  The children enjoyed World Book Day activities from designing a book cover, to a scavenger book title hunt.  They had a fantastic time and so did all their characters.

Pancake Treats at Great Wood Pancake Treats at Great Wood Pancake Treats at Great Wood Pancake Treats at Great Wood


Pancake Treats at Great Wood

Our Great Wood children were all treated to amazing pancakes, lovingly cooked by Ms York and Mr Rhead, on Shrove Tuesday.  Each child got to toss a pancake (a cold one!) and then got to choose the topping for their very own pancake.

There were a lot of smiling faces and full tummies by the end of the day! We extend a huge thank you to Ms York and Mr Rhead for standing over hot stoves all day, you are both stars!

A Prayer for Ukraine.


A Prayer for Ukraine.

A Prayer for Ukraine

God of peace and justice,
We pray for the people of Ukraine today,
We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons,
We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow,
That your spirit of comfort would draw near to them,
We pray for those with power over war or peace,
For wisdom, discernment and compassion
To guide their decisions.
Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear,
That you would hold and protect them.
We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.


Archbishop Justin Welby & Archbishop Stephen Cottrell

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